Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Stroke of Insight

Every now and then something really important appears on the internet. Sometimes it takes me a long time to find it. But when I do, I want to share it. You must watch this video and then think how it applies to Witness Thought Transformation. Click the title and have your life changed!

All my best,



Ticklespider said...

amazingly enough, i have also bookmarked that video and marveled at its implications. i just stumbled upon your blog after doing a quick search for topics on witness consciousness. i have been experiencing some breakthroughs, after years of curious armchair searching. i am starting to see, and i always wonder why somebody hasn't made it simpler to understand....that we have to do ACTUAL mind work, and not passively. seems like you are doing that here, so i will keep an eye.

Unknown said...

I am obtained your undergraduate at Whitworth College, a well-known Christian college. My son is a graduate of Whitworth. Do you integrate the presence of sin in the human condition? The need for a Savior? Thanks!

Mark Waller, Ph.D. LMFT said...


I use that video as an integral part of my therapy practice and in teaching people Witness Thought Transformation. It is extremely valuable to me.


Yes the concept of sin is an important concept in my work, but probably not in the way that you would expect. My interpretation of Paul's use of the word, especially in Romans, is radically different than the Evangelical interpretation.

As to the need of a Savior, that too is different since my concept of sin is different. I fear I would disappoint my Whitworth brethren.