Many of you reading this may be too young to remember an American icon of sports casting named Howard Cosell. "I'm telling it like it is," he would say about his style. I remember Howard Cosell as an irritating, grating, and raspy reminder of what one’s ego mind might sound like who would drone on and one in a nasally tone that made you want to turn down the TV. My apology to Howard Cosell fans the world over.
My point about Cosell is that whenever the man opened his mouth you knew it was Howard Cosell. There was no way to deny the tone, timbre, and quality of his voice. At sporting event after event, his unmistakable voice could be heard and heard and heard.
Now, for those of you that can remember Howard, imagine the following scenario. You and I have gone together to a football game. You are completely taken by the smell of the fall air, the pageantry of the crowd, the play on the field. You are taking it all in.
On the other hand, I am sitting next to you listening to the broadcast of the game through a set of earphones. And after every play, Howard Cosell is telling me what just happened, how it happened, and more importantly what it all means. In other words, I am listening to the commentary about the game.
So ask yourself this question, “Who is experiencing the game you or me?”
The answer is simple; you are. I am experiencing the commentary about the game. I am listening to Howard Cosell interpret the play by play is his pompous self important tone. Everything about the game that I am seeing is being distorted through the lens of the commentator coming through the ear pieces.
This is a metaphor for how we live life. We are so enamored with the internal commentator, so inured that we are thinking life instead of actually living it. Our experience of life, and therefore of one another, is filtered through the commentary. We talk to ourselves and then we talk some more. Then we have an internal dialog about self-talk!
Are you tired of having the irksome commentator dictate your experience? Join me and so many others in breaking free from the internal commentator. Life without Howard Cosell is a new life and then the real adventure begins.
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