Saturday, October 02, 2010

Survey Question #2

Okay, time to reveal the number two question revealed by the survey. Remember the question was, “What is your biggest question about the voice in your head that criticizes you and beats you up, that berates you, that constantly dwells on the worst case scenario, that won’t shut up?”

I was actually pretty shocked when I saw these responses coming in. The reason for my shock was that I have just finished writing a book that reveals the Answer to this question. The number two question from the survey about the voice in your head was, “Where does it come from?”

The answer may or may not surprise you. But the voice in your head is heavily influenced by a part of the brain that we share with dogs, cats, and primates. Science calls it the Limbic System. I call it the monkey brain! In the brain, it is the vortex for flight or fight, anger/fear, survival and all emotions. The kicker is that it is fully wired up by the time we are 5 years of age.

What this means for human kind is not good. The voice in your head that sounds like you talking to you is basically a 5 year old, with a 5 year old’s view of the world.

On November 6th I will be holding a teleclass where I will give you the key to breaking free from the voice that criticizes you and beats you up, that berates you, that constantly dwells on the worst case scenario, and that won’t shut up.

In the mean time my new book, Mastering Thought (Before it masters You!), has just come out. So here is a prescription for freedom. Get the book, read it, and then join the teleclass to learn more and get your questions answered!

Here is the link for the book. Mastering Thought (Before it masters You!) And here is the link for the teleclass.


the unknown said...

"Thinking is a function, not a person. It is a byproduct of language and association."


if a person is deaf and blind, making the language component absent, does that imply he is not capable of thinking?

for instance, in the case of helen keller.

u got it reversed.

thinking is the process that makes language and association possible.

Mark Waller, Ph.D. LMFT said...

I am talking about "verbal" thought which is the words of your language in your mind. I am not talking about cognition which is nonverbal thought. So a deaf person would have no verbal thought, but would have a lot of cognition. I beleive it took Helen Keller a long time to form words in her head.

the unknown said...

lol shouldnt cognition include both, verbal and non-verbal?

Mark Waller, Ph.D. LMFT said...

That's a great question. But technically cognition has to come before verbalization since we have to know what to say before we say it even if it is in our heads.

the unknown said...

true, but does that mean cognition excludes verbal thought, as suggested by you?

if such claim is true, they should abolish psycholinguistics altogether. lol

Mark Waller, Ph.D. LMFT said...

Verbal thought activates the motor cortex and the physical aspects of voacalizastion even though the verbalizations are inside. So from my viewpoint inner speech is layered on top of the cognition that drives it.

I understand you have a different point of view.